Office 2016 mac black theme
Office 2016 mac black theme

office 2016 mac black theme

(This step ensures that our User account will still be able to change subkeys of the current one, even once we block our “selves” from changing values in the current key.)ĥ. Change “Applies to” to “Subkeys only.” Verify that both “Full Control” and “Read” are checked in the area below. On the screen that comes up, make sure “Type” is set to “Allow” (should already be). In the “Principal” column, you should see your own User account listed – hopefully just once. Near the bottom, click “Disable Inheritance.” On the dialog that comes up, choose the first option: “Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object.”Ĥ. Near the bottom of the Permissions window, click “Advanced.”ģ. In the registry editor, in the folder structure on the left, right-click Common and choose Permissions.Ģ. I wrote a guide for some friends, so I'll paste the relevant steps here. So I ended up setting the current key only (excluding subkeys) to read-only, while keeping full privileges for subkeys. I think there are some subkeys that office *needs* to be able to change or else it screws it up (recent file locations perhaps?).

office 2016 mac black theme office 2016 mac black theme

Well, just changing the entire Common folder to read-only ended up causing some other problems for me later - namely, Office would crash any time I tried to go to the File menu, or hit Ctrl+O to try to open a file, etc.

Office 2016 mac black theme